2. Perceptions 2024 - Swaraa

Perceptions 2024 - Swaraa, the Annual Management Fest of RIM is scheduled on the 21st and 22nd of February 2024



3. Special Talk on 'Leadership and Management' on 8th Feb 2024

A special talk on 'Leadership and Management' is being organized tomorrow, 8th February,2024, to celebrate Swami Vivekananda's Jayanthi (observed on 12th January every year).

The timings of the session are: 2.00 pm to 3.15 pm. 

Venue: APJ Abdul Kalam Hall

Two experts who will share their insights on the topic. 

1. Sri Swami Veereshananda Saraswathi - President, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Ashrama    Tumakuru

2. Ms.Swathi Ram, Director – Global Facilitation, Sewa International+

                           ... READ MORE

5. Karnataka Rajyothsava Celebration on 28th Nov 2023

Karnataka Rajyothsava Celebration at Ramaiah Institute of Management. This event promises to express Karnataka's rich cultural heritage eloquently. We invite you to join us for a day filled with traditional performances, cultural displays, and a celebration of our beloved state's diverse and colourful traditions.


6. Call for Papers for January 2024- Fast Track

We, the editorial team of Ramaiah Institute of Management take immense pleasure in call for papers in our institutional journal M.S. Ramaiah Management Review (ISSN -0975-7988) for January 2024 edition. We invite contributors to submit original research articles, review articles, case studies, and Book Reviews in all the functional areas of management. We invite researchers, research scholars, faculty members and students to submit their original and extended research... READ MORE

10. C20 conference in Bangalore on 1st and 2nd June 2023

About C20 

The C20, or Civil Society 20, is an integral part of the G20 framework. It serves as a platform for civil society organizations (CSOs) worldwide to voice the aspirations and concerns of people to the G20 world leaders. The C20 plays a vital role in facilitating meaningful discussions and collaborative efforts through various working groups. One such significant group is the Sewa – Sense of Service, Philanthropy, and Volunteerism... READ MORE