RIM International
The ever-evolving global economic trends are shaping a new world. They have created an ocean of opportunities for new learning and potential growth. RIM international Office emphasises on nurturing and empowering leaders who are equipped to make the best of the prevailing scenario.
Driven by a vision to be globally recognised, the RIM International Office is expanding horizons by forging new relationships with universities/ Business Schools in Europe, UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia & UAE. RIM International Office synergises a right blend of a contextually relevant curriculum, innovative pedagogy and transparent assessment to create an ecosystem that provides exposure to global cultures and best practices of international management.
RIM International Office continues to explore more global opportunities for our students in the areas of medium-term study abroad program. It also endeavours to offer Teach at Ramaiah opportunities to professors of foreign universities who would want to impart a global management perspective to our students.